

Things haven't been going so smoothly since Easter finished. Unfortunately I was slacking a little with my film during the holidays no thanks to a certain essay and sketchbook which was due in the week after Easter. Thankfully, that's all over and all I have left to do is the presentation. :)

As well as my final film!

Progress on the film; having been behind, I've lost a good week or two for animating, which is a real shame because I wanted to do some post production work for the final week but now I really can't see that happening before my deadline!

Uploading the film onto Vimeo currently, so I'll update this post tomorrow once it's fully uploaded there. At this point I've managed to block in all the shots. A few of the shots are just rendered stills and I kind of left them for the time being as I thought to save them until the end. Blocking was fun, if not tiring. Pulled almost an all-night-er, hitting bed for a few hours at 8 AM and getting up for around 11 AM. But it's all okay now, today was our first submittal and I managed to slip the film in well under the set time.

Also, had another friend collaborate with the monster's textures and I've got to say, it looks the bees knees! It's something I wasn't expecting and surprising something I really expected! It was done so well, pretty much the style I was going for. Will show images tomorrow when I receive it.

Another note, the cave is pretty much done, just need to take the file off the guy sorting it out.

Finally, the film is coming along! What would be nice if I actually had animators to help me... Oh well. :O


And here's the film as promised. Feedback appreciated.

Sweet Tooth - Blocking from Danie G.P. on Vimeo.

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