
Minor Project Blocking

S'been a while since I posted, thought I'd put up some older avi file on my blocking.

Blocking from Danie G.P. on Vimeo.

It's obviously not perfect in anyway, but this was my initial idea for the dialogue. It was pretty much over the top once I added curves to it, but for the past week i've been slaving over max to produce a subtle-er video.


Can't re-write what's Perfect...!

Minor project has begun, atleast I can do some animation! :D

It's of the same scenario as 11secondclub, except for copyright reasons it's now known for us as 10secondclub. ;)

Dialogue: "It's unbelievable. The director's actually torn up a huge section of my music. But it's perfect... I can't... Re-write what's perfect!"

Using ToonBoom Studio 4 (because I'm hard core!) I've just put together the main keys (with an extra inbetweener here and there).